The Element of the Spirit also known as Spring Equinox or Ostara. It falls around March 21st in the northern hemisphere. It is a season of balance, when the light is equal to the darkness. This is a great time to celebrate the rebirth of the soil, the land and your spirit. The Element of the Spirit is known as a time of fertility and abundance, a season to welcome back life after the cold, dark winter.
Spring is the time of year when the cycle of life, death, and rebirth is complete. As plants bloom and new life returns, the theme of resurrection is ever present. As The Element of the Spirit, arrives, it’s the season for that which has gone dormant to become revitalized, alive, and reborn. There are several aspects to observe on the Spring equinox. This year we focus on observing it as a time to mark the coming of Spring and the fertility of the land as well as our Spirit.