The Truth about Mystery Schools.
Mystery Schools have been around form millenniums. They normally consist of ancient teachings that help people to understand themselves, their wants and needs and to put in practice a ritualistic way to manifest them. Learning and putting into practice the tools of our lineage. It’s a school for individuals seeking to learn about themselves and their divine nature. They consist of esoteric, hermetic, secret information that was only offered to some. That is to the learned, and those who held High positions as well as their clergy. Laypeople when I privy to this information. Today all have access to this information.
Magick Consciousness Mystery School gives you all the tools from beginning to end. You receive the correct information without any information being left out, switched around or confusing to understand because that information is secret. You also received it in the correct order so that it is usable and easy to understand.

Often people ask this question. “How do I know that a Mystery School is not a cult? Most mystery schools on made up of a community of magickal people, who believe in energy. Sometimes they are called Light-workers, Spiritual practitioners and even witches. It doesn’t even matter what a student of mystery school calls themselves but when dealing with the true mystery school it is non-dogmatic.
Everyone is encouraged to walk their true path, the path that resonates with them. Many people who take gone Mistry school teachings are of the Christian or Jewish faith as well as Buddhist, Hindus, Naturalist, Pagans… Mystery school teaching do not interfere with your true belief. They enhance them and encourage you to walk your true path. We encourage you to stay in the path that resonates with you. This is not a religion but a system which allows you to use the energies of the heavens to create the life that you were meant to have.
There are signs you can look for when looking at a mystery school or an organization that calls themselves a mystery school to be certain that they are not cults. Below read about the signs. When you do your find that they are completely obvious. If one or more of these signs show up I would say be weary.
Cults has a motivation to brainwash you, create thought reform, to apply mind control and is in opposition to critical thinking.
Magick Consciousness Mystery School teaches self-control of your own mine. You learn meditative techniques that help you to learn to control your own mind. These ritualistic techniques help you to learn about yourself and manafest your needs and wants. Primarily they help you to know yourself well so that you can achieve the life that you’re meant to have.
Cults are dogmatic. You must believe what they believe and what they believe only, without question.
Magick Consciousness Mystery School you are in courage to walk your own path and question what you have learned to make the best of creating a truly magical life. We encourage you to read from other sources and to learn. In fact we believe, if you stop learning you stop growing. In addition we have a recommended book list of ancient mystery teachings, written by various authors and publishers and encourage you to gain more knowledge and increase the opportunity for deeper exploration of concepts, critical thinking and individual judgement.
Cults get to a certain point and very quickly in your journey they ask you to live and commune with them and you can never leave.
Magick Consciousness Mystery School invites you to come and learn then go home to your loved ones, pets and friends. Then you are encouraged to use what you have learned. As a matter fact it is frowned upon to just come and learn without using what you have learned. The key is to learn, live an amazing life, do amazing things, to change your life and make it the life that you deserve. You’re also encourage to help others with the tools that you receive and what you have learned.
Cults separate you from your family and friends.
Magick Consciousness Mystery School, encourages all to improved relationships with their family and friends. As you learn about yourself and to know yourself well you learn to heal old emotional wounds, create healthy boundaries, becoming happier, experiencing joy, no longer projecting on to others and understanding when others are projecting. You gain empowerment that create true relationships. We also become a network of family and friends for many people who are seeking community among other like-minded people with similar values and goals.

Cult leaders seek to be revered as a god who seeks inappropriate loyalty.
Magick Consciousness Mystery School teaches that everyone has the essence of God with in their selves. Unconditional love and excepting other humans for who they are allows us to learn about ourselves and it gives us the opportunity to help others. Every human has value.
Cults teach their members that they are the chosen ones. If they do as they’re told and follow the rules that makes them perfect and able and gives them entry the life ever after was something to that effect.
Magick Consciousness Mystery School are made up of many people with many different cultural backgrounds and walks of life. We do not pretend to be perfect humans. We don’t live life without challenges. We learn and use this esoteric knowledge, to deal and work with our challenges. After all we learn with every challenge that comes into our life.
What we do have in common however is that although we have challenges many parts of our lives become as we wanted to be as we learn to know ourselves well we also learned to manifest what we desire in this world. We realize that doing for others is a gift. We truly live a magickal life.
Cults control your sleep and eating patterns with an unrealistic regimented schedule. They control your living arrangements and even your monetary gain.
Magick Consciousness Mystery School. Everyone sleeps in their own bed or where they choose to sleep. Although it is highly suggested that you eat healthy you choose what you eat and put into your body. We have no commune or compound and no intention to create one. Other than pain for your classes you do not have to turn over large ridiculous fees or real estate.
In the Magick Consciousness Mystery School we want you to be empowered. We provide the tools and knowledge that will support you to know yourself. It’s not about telling you what to think, but rather support you to truly think for yourself, to live in alignment with your life purpose and too manifest the life that you are meant to have and to truly live a magickal life.
To learn more about Magick Consciousness Mystery School visit the website: